Remember: Primary 7 PE day is MONDAY. Please arrive at school in your PE Kit.

Remember: Primary 7 music day is a FRIDAY, please bring your recorder and music folder each Friday.

On our recent autumn walk at Mount Stewart (Oct 2023)

Welcome to P7

Welcome to Primary Seven.

We are now the oldest children within the school and with that comes responsibility.

We completed training to become a playground buddy, helping to organise games for the younger children at break time. We love this role!

TopicsOur topics in Primary 7 are: Rainforest, Irish Famine, Bridge to France and the Titanic. There is a sub section within this page that showcases all of our beautiful topic work. 


Mathletics: We absolutely love Mathletics- this programme helps us develop our confidence in mental maths, processing and problem solving through creative games and mastery challenges. So far this year we have earned the following certificates:

Legend: 3

Epic: 5

Diamond: 5

Emerald: 6

Platinum: 10

Gold: 15

Silver: 34

Bronze: 95


Accelerated Reader: We LOVE reading in Primary 7! We are working towards our AR targets for this term. So far this year Primary 7 have read a staggering  13, 568, 011 words!! We have read 936 books!! 

I will be using Class Dojo as my main mode of communication between home and school, please ensure that you have downloaded the app as I will be uploading lots of pictures and class updates.


Mrs Billington

A MASSIVE well done to Jacob Dorrian, Primary 7 who was the first child in the WORLD to be awarded with LEGEND status in Mathletics... considering there are over 5 million Mathletics users worldwide! Well done Jacob, we are very proud of you!

First LEGEND in the WORLD!!!

AR success: Well done to ALL of Primary 7 in achieving their AR targets this term!! Great work- you smashed it!

Our autumn walk 2023

On Tuesday 24th October we headed to Mount Stewart for our annual sponsored autumn walk. All money raised will be put towards new iPads for school. We had a great time- we walked around the lake, climbed a few trees, headed towards the Rose Garden, the White Stag and everything else in between! It was a great morning, making memories. 

Remember: Primary 7 PE day is MONDAY. Please arrive at school in your PE Kit.

Remember: Primary 7 music day is a FRIDAY, please bring your recorder and music folder each Friday.

On our recent autumn walk at Mount Stewart (Oct 2023)

Welcome to P7

Welcome to Primary Seven.

We are now the oldest children within the school and with that comes responsibility.

We completed training to become a playground buddy, helping to organise games for the younger children at break time. We love this role!

TopicsOur topics in Primary 7 are: Rainforest, Irish Famine, Bridge to France and the Titanic. There is a sub section within this page that showcases all of our beautiful topic work. 


Mathletics: We absolutely love Mathletics- this programme helps us develop our confidence in mental maths, processing and problem solving through creative games and mastery challenges. So far this year we have earned the following certificates:

Legend: 3

Epic: 5

Diamond: 5

Emerald: 6

Platinum: 10

Gold: 15

Silver: 34

Bronze: 95


Accelerated Reader: We LOVE reading in Primary 7! We are working towards our AR targets for this term. So far this year Primary 7 have read a staggering  13, 568, 011 words!! We have read 936 books!! 

I will be using Class Dojo as my main mode of communication between home and school, please ensure that you have downloaded the app as I will be uploading lots of pictures and class updates.


Mrs Billington

A MASSIVE well done to Jacob Dorrian, Primary 7 who was the first child in the WORLD to be awarded with LEGEND status in Mathletics... considering there are over 5 million Mathletics users worldwide! Well done Jacob, we are very proud of you!

First LEGEND in the WORLD!!!

AR success: Well done to ALL of Primary 7 in achieving their AR targets this term!! Great work- you smashed it!

Our autumn walk 2023

On Tuesday 24th October we headed to Mount Stewart for our annual sponsored autumn walk. All money raised will be put towards new iPads for school. We had a great time- we walked around the lake, climbed a few trees, headed towards the Rose Garden, the White Stag and everything else in between! It was a great morning, making memories. 

Remember: Primary 7 PE day is MONDAY. Please arrive at school in your PE Kit.

Remember: Primary 7 music day is a FRIDAY, please bring your recorder and music folder each Friday.

On our recent autumn walk at Mount Stewart (Oct 2023)

Welcome to P7

Welcome to Primary Seven.

We are now the oldest children within the school and with that comes responsibility.

We completed training to become a playground buddy, helping to organise games for the younger children at break time. We love this role!

TopicsOur topics in Primary 7 are: Rainforest, Irish Famine, Bridge to France and the Titanic. There is a sub section within this page that showcases all of our beautiful topic work. 


Mathletics: We absolutely love Mathletics- this programme helps us develop our confidence in mental maths, processing and problem solving through creative games and mastery challenges. So far this year we have earned the following certificates:

Legend: 3

Epic: 5

Diamond: 5

Emerald: 6

Platinum: 10

Gold: 15

Silver: 34

Bronze: 95


Accelerated Reader: We LOVE reading in Primary 7! We are working towards our AR targets for this term. So far this year Primary 7 have read a staggering  13, 568, 011 words!! We have read 936 books!! 

I will be using Class Dojo as my main mode of communication between home and school, please ensure that you have downloaded the app as I will be uploading lots of pictures and class updates.


Mrs Billington

A MASSIVE well done to Jacob Dorrian, Primary 7 who was the first child in the WORLD to be awarded with LEGEND status in Mathletics... considering there are over 5 million Mathletics users worldwide! Well done Jacob, we are very proud of you!

First LEGEND in the WORLD!!!

AR success: Well done to ALL of Primary 7 in achieving their AR targets this term!! Great work- you smashed it!

Our autumn walk 2023

On Tuesday 24th October we headed to Mount Stewart for our annual sponsored autumn walk. All money raised will be put towards new iPads for school. We had a great time- we walked around the lake, climbed a few trees, headed towards the Rose Garden, the White Stag and everything else in between! It was a great morning, making memories.