If you can help out with any of the Eco Schools activities then please get in touch with the school office or Mrs Billington


Eco Schools

Mrs Billington is the Eco Schools coordinator in our school. 

We are working very hard to become more environmentally friendly, helping to help look after our school, our community and our planet! 

We are working towards a few different Eco awards and you can follow our progress (and hopefully help us achieve these!)

School clean up day!

School grounds clean up day!

Thank you SO much to the team of willing volunteers who came along on Saturday 9th November 2024 to help clean up our school grounds. 

We had a great morning together and achieved lots! There is still more to do so keep an eye on Score in the 'Dore for details of our next clean up day.

Thank you to Julie who cooked hotdogs, bacon baps and other snacks for the whole team. 

Go Team CPS!

Remember to use our Cash for Clobber bin situated in the car park. 


If you can help out with any of the Eco Schools activities then please get in touch with the school office or Mrs Billington


Eco Schools

Mrs Billington is the Eco Schools coordinator in our school. 

We are working very hard to become more environmentally friendly, helping to help look after our school, our community and our planet! 

We are working towards a few different Eco awards and you can follow our progress (and hopefully help us achieve these!)

School clean up day!

School grounds clean up day!

Thank you SO much to the team of willing volunteers who came along on Saturday 9th November 2024 to help clean up our school grounds. 

We had a great morning together and achieved lots! There is still more to do so keep an eye on Score in the 'Dore for details of our next clean up day.

Thank you to Julie who cooked hotdogs, bacon baps and other snacks for the whole team. 

Go Team CPS!

Remember to use our Cash for Clobber bin situated in the car park. 
