Friday 18th October

Next meeting Tuesday 5th November at 7pm via Zoom

Welcome to Carrowdore Primary School Parent Teacher Association. We are fortunate to have a PTA that is and has been an integral part of the school community. The PTA has raised thousands of pounds, which has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the school’s facilities.

Our PTA is about much more than fundraising. The PTA exists to provide closer links between home and school and is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available because we believe that, 'Together Everyone Achieves More'. All families are automatically members of the PTA when their child joins our school, with a PTA Committee that works on their behalf.

 The PTA host events throughout the year such as:

  • school discos
  • movie nights
  • ballots
  • school fairs

We would like to express thanks to Mr Campbell Keatings, Castlebawn TESCO Community Champion who supports our school throughout the year.

Meet the Committee

Chair: Rachel Rogers Secretaries: Christine Andrews & Amy Goudy Treasurer: Claire Stewart-Wilson
 Committee Members  
Ebony Denny Julia Dunlop Hannah Brown Elaine Rossborough
Stacey Burch Mrs Cousley Mrs Chesney Mrs Curragh
  Mrs Billington  Miss Roe  

We are so privileged to have a dedicated and hard working PTA who arrange fun events and raise much needed funds for our school!  Recently the PTA have supported us with funding Accelerated Reader and a subscription to Twinkl.

Click here to turn your online shopping into free donations to Carrowdore PTA!

Easy Fundraising


Match Funding

Many companies offer employees the chance to boost fundraising by ‘matching’ the money they raise. Not all companies offer this but we would greatly appreciate if parents could check with their HR department if this scheme is available and let Miss Roe or a member of the PTA know.  To find out more click here.