Healthy Living

We aim to promote healthy living at Carrowdore Primary school!  We have delicious, nutritionally balanced meals, freshly prepared on the premises by our dedicated Dinner Ladies, Julie, Laura and Sarah!


New Dinner Menu


Healthy Eating

We are committed to promoting healthy eating through a whole school approach to food and nutrition; and enabling pupils to make informed choices about the food they eat.  We aim to offer food and drink that reflects the healthy eating message, reduces the amount of fat, salt and sugar children consume, and increases their intake of fruit and vegetables.

In particular:

  • We have a whole school Healthy Break scheme which offers toast or a pancake and a variety of fresh fruit. Children are encouraged to take part in the scheme, or bring their own healthy snack each day.
  • Drinking water is available in all classes and pupils are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day. In line with the National Nutritional Standards for Healthy School Lunches, only water or milk is offered with school lunches. 
  • School milk is offered to all children as part of the Healthy Break Scheme.
  • The School Meals contract requires the serving of a healthy, balanced meal each day.  Children are offered the choice of a hot meal or lunch box express, including provision for special diets.   The school actively promotes the school meals service. Free meals are provided to those who are eligible.   

  • Appropriate food safety precautions are taken when any member of staff is involved in preparing, storing or dispensing food in school. 
  • The eating environment is recognised as a factor in children’s attitude to food.  The school tries to make meal times a positive social experience.  
  • Sweets and chocolate are seen as special treats and may be used on occasions as a reward. 

Active Lifestyle

We like to keep fit in Carrowdore Primary school, with a range of activities provided to suit each Key Stage.

P.E. is an integral part of the school curriculum, and every class follows  an age appropriate, well planned scheme of work, providing  a balanced range of activities and showing progression in essential skills.

We participate in the Mile a Day initiative - encouraging our pupils (and staff) to get out and be active for 15 minutes each day.

We provide a variety of sporting opportunities at Carrowdore Primary School.  We offer competitive sport to encourage teamwork, discipline, self-respect and how to cope with winning and losing.  We seek out links with local sports clubs and providers and offer these when available. 

We want children’s experiences in school to lay the foundation for an active lifestyle and an understanding of the importance of exercise in keeping healthy.   We also promote active play during break times, providing a range of play equipment in each playground.