Welcome to Primary Five.  Mrs McDonnell teaches P5 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Miss Roe teaches P5 on Thursday and Friday. 

Mrs McDonnell Miss Roe


Primary Five marks the beginning of Key Stage Two and is a very busy year.  We cover lots of new topics in numeracy and work with numbers up to 10000.  In literacy we continue to develop our reading through work in class and Accelerated Reader and learn to apply grammar rules to our own writing.

We study a range of topics including:

  • Mighty Me
  • Bright Sparks
  • Amazing Australia
  • Natural Disasters
  • Ancient Egyptians

Getting to Know You

We thought about adjectives that descrobe our peers, look at our lovely work on display. It made us feel good when our friends said lovely things about us and we will try to remember the power of our words! 


Amazing Artwork

Primary 5 completed a lesson in how to draw a self portrait, we think they turned out pretty well! 


Mighty Me

Our first topic is all about the human body. Primary 5 tried to fit everything they would need to make a body into a bag and thought on some things they would like to find out about their bodies. 


P5 Rules!

We thought about rules we should follow to make our classroom a happy place.  We are looking forward to earning a night off homework or getting to eat our break on the teachers’ seat!
