Welcome to Primary Four
Please wear PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Welcome to Primary Four 2024-25! On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays Mrs Curragh is our teacher and on Thursdays and Fridays our teacher is Mrs McNamara.
We are very busy learning new things, exploring, asking questions, solving problems and having fun. We start each morning by using our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) tubs or solving a maths or spelling activity.This helps wake up our brains and our bodies for a great day of learning.
In Numeracy we are learning how to read, write, add and subtract numbers up to 1,000, learn our times tables, use the clock to tell the time, name and describe shapes and understand different graphs and tables. We love solving problems and practise our skills by using Mathletics online.
We are learning how to write for different reasons and audiences in Literacy. We love reading and writing stories, poems, facts, instructions, reports and letters. You will often find a P4 in the AR library searching for a new book and talking about their favourite types of books and authors. Talking and listening are important skills in Primary 4.
The World Around Us topics include water, water everywhere, the Post Office, World War II, bugs and beasts and our five senses. We love learning about our local area and wider world, about our past and how things have changed. Science experiments are a highlight of our topic work!
Our PE sessions focus on teaching skills and having fun while getting lots of exercise. This year we will develop our football skills, control and explore body movements through gymnastics and dance and try out lots of athletics activities. In term 3 we even go swimming! We enjoy getting outside most days to run or walk the daily mile.
PDMU lessons are a great chance to talk about our feelings, friendships and how to stay safe at school and at home. We know who to talk to when we have a worry and who we can ask for help if we need it.
RE activities help us to think about decisions we make and how to treat each other based on important stories and people from the Bible and Christian church.
During ICT time we explore different apps on the iPad and use websites and programmes on the computers in the ICT suite. Face Paint, Just 2 Easy, Mathletics, Minecraft Education Edition and Scratch Jr are some of our favourites!
Throughout P4 we have lots of opportunities to be creative during music, drama and art activities. We are encouraged to use our imagination and try new ideas even if the end result doesn’t quite turn out like we planned! Sometimes we learn best on our own but other times we like to have a partner or a group of people to help us learn.
Learning to speak and understand some French words and phrases is great fun! We learn to count to 20, use colours and basic greetings.
P4 love using Mathletics to revise the skills we have been learning in class. Remember that little and often makes a huge difference when trying to remember number facts and use mental maths strategies to solve problems so log in every week and aim for 1,000 points to earn your certificate!
Accelerated Reader
Our AR library is bursting with books! Let's try to read for a few minutes every day. We set new targets set for each new half term. Remember you can quiz at home or in school.
A super start to Primary 4!
Welcome to Primary Four
Please wear PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Welcome to Primary Four 2024-25! On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays Mrs Curragh is our teacher and on Thursdays and Fridays our teacher is Mrs McNamara.
We are very busy learning new things, exploring, asking questions, solving problems and having fun. We start each morning by using our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) tubs or solving a maths or spelling activity.This helps wake up our brains and our bodies for a great day of learning.
In Numeracy we are learning how to read, write, add and subtract numbers up to 1,000, learn our times tables, use the clock to tell the time, name and describe shapes and understand different graphs and tables. We love solving problems and practise our skills by using Mathletics online.
We are learning how to write for different reasons and audiences in Literacy. We love reading and writing stories, poems, facts, instructions, reports and letters. You will often find a P4 in the AR library searching for a new book and talking about their favourite types of books and authors. Talking and listening are important skills in Primary 4.
The World Around Us topics include water, water everywhere, the Post Office, World War II, bugs and beasts and our five senses. We love learning about our local area and wider world, about our past and how things have changed. Science experiments are a highlight of our topic work!
Our PE sessions focus on teaching skills and having fun while getting lots of exercise. This year we will develop our football skills, control and explore body movements through gymnastics and dance and try out lots of athletics activities. In term 3 we even go swimming! We enjoy getting outside most days to run or walk the daily mile.
PDMU lessons are a great chance to talk about our feelings, friendships and how to stay safe at school and at home. We know who to talk to when we have a worry and who we can ask for help if we need it.
RE activities help us to think about decisions we make and how to treat each other based on important stories and people from the Bible and Christian church.
During ICT time we explore different apps on the iPad and use websites and programmes on the computers in the ICT suite. Face Paint, Just 2 Easy, Mathletics, Minecraft Education Edition and Scratch Jr are some of our favourites!
Throughout P4 we have lots of opportunities to be creative during music, drama and art activities. We are encouraged to use our imagination and try new ideas even if the end result doesn’t quite turn out like we planned! Sometimes we learn best on our own but other times we like to have a partner or a group of people to help us learn.
Learning to speak and understand some French words and phrases is great fun! We learn to count to 20, use colours and basic greetings.
P4 love using Mathletics to revise the skills we have been learning in class. Remember that little and often makes a huge difference when trying to remember number facts and use mental maths strategies to solve problems so log in every week and aim for 1,000 points to earn your certificate!
Accelerated Reader
Our AR library is bursting with books! Let's try to read for a few minutes every day. We set new targets set for each new half term. Remember you can quiz at home or in school.
A super start to Primary 4!